
Sunday, May 26, 2013

New works to share.

'The Room'  8x10"

I think this work has been my favorite to work on thus far.  Due to the detailed nature of this picture, I had to take it on in sections - small works within the larger work - or I became easily overwhelmed.  Likewise, I found myself needing to take breaks from working on the wallpaper because it was so extremely time consuming.  My brain would literally  tire out at times and I would just have to set it aside and work on something else of a more simple design.  Near the end, I had a quilling tool break and become unusable and misplaced my back-up, so I stepped back in time and completed the work using finger rolling.  I love the result.  There are sections with almost non-existent centers and then others with larger open coils.  The picture itself is only 8 x 10" but took a whopping 85 hours to complete.  Every inch was time consuming, challenging, and extremely pleasurable.  I am enjoying the more detailed pictures and will continue to push myself in this direction.  I am already plotting my next picture and hope to get rolling soon.

This little butterfly was created for the digital design only.  I isolated it using my computer and then printed out dozens of copies on temporary tattoo paper.  My daughter and I cut them up and applied them to all the little kids who visited my booth at the last Waikiki Art Fest.  I made robots for the boys.  It was a hit.  

This untitled work was a commissioned piece.  It measures in at 5x7" and resides now in Alaska.

'Lady Longboards'  16x20"

I began this piece in October, right after I arrived in Oahu.  It has taken me a long time to complete.  It's size is large, but I have found that my interest is taking me in a new direction of more detailed work and I found the shading aspect of this work daunting.  I love the effect, but I need to do it in stages.  I remember the same feeling when I used to spend my free time knitting.  Whenever it was time to stockinette stick, my eyes would glaze over and I would begin dreaming of new projects to tackle.  This was much the same.  I have completed a good 20 pictures since the beginning of this one.  I would bring my boarders out each festival weekend and chip away at a new area.  Finally the end was reached and I am really happy with the end result.  I love how  it begins in grey scale and enhances in color.